The research study has certain requirements that must be met. If you do not meet the requirements, you will not be able to participate in this research study.
The process begins when you speak with a member of our study team to learn about the study activities. After you speak with our team, you will be provided with an informed consent form to review. The consent form explains this research study in detail. You will also provide us with a copy of your medical record and pathology report indicating that your cancer is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and a copy of your genomic testing report showing that your cancer is ALK-positive (ALK+).
If you are eligible for the study, you will work with our study team to complete the following tasks:
Intake Form – The questionnaire reflects the inclusion/exclusion criteria and requests your contact information, emergency contact information, and the treating physician’s contact information. This will allow the study team to keep your treating physician aware of your voluntary participation in this research.
Medical Release Form – This document gives the study team permission to obtain and review your medical records pertaining to any personal history you have of cancer. This will allow us to further confirm your eligibility for this study.
Archival Tissue – A biopsy is not required to participate in this study. Archival tissue, defined as tumor tissue collected during a standard of care procedure and stored at your treating institution, will be collected when available. We seek to collect a portion of all available previously collected tumor tissues, as well as, a portion of any tumor tissue collected, during a standard of care procedure prescribed by treating physician(s), during the course of your study participation. The study team will work with you and your treating institution to identify available tissue specimens.
Saliva Collection – The study team will coordinate the collection of saliva once your enrollment has been confirmed and at least one archival tumor tissue has been confirmed as available for collection. Only one saliva specimen will be collected for this study unless the collected specimen proves of insufficient quality on testing.
Follow Up for 2 Years – We would like to track your medical condition for up to two years. We would like to do this by contacting you every 3 months for the first year and every 6 months for the second year. Keeping in touch with you and checking your condition helps us look at the long-term effects of the research study. So that we can be sure to reach you, we ask that you provide contact information for a family member who we can contact if we are unable to reach you.