
ROS1 Cell Line Study

ROS1-Fusion Positive Specimens for Cell Line Initiative

Robert C. Doebele, MD, PhD
University of Colorado

ROS1-fusions occur in several cancer types- non-small cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, ovarian cancer, glioblastoma, cholangiocarcinoma, melanoma, and others. In each of these cancers, ROS1-fusions account for a small sliver of the pie, accounting for approximately 1-2% of all diagnoses, resulting in a relatively rare yet critically important molecular subset of cancer. The Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI) is focusing efforts on this under-studied molecular subset of cancer to understand what drives tumor formation, therapeutic response, and acquired therapeutic resistance. Therefore, in support of cancer patients whose tumors have ROS1-fusions, we are launching a global effort to study ROS1-fusions across all tumor types.

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Study Purpose
Cell Lines are models to study cancer. These models are developed from freshly obtained human tumor or fluid specimens and will grow forever under the right conditions in a laboratory. Cell line models can be used to study tumor growth and most importantly, how best to develop drugs to stop their growth.

The purpose of Dr. Doebele’s study is to develop cell line models for ROS1-fusion driven cancers to be used for research purposes only. That is, these patient derived cell line models will have no immediate benefit to the patient from whom the tumor specimen was obtained. Rather, these cell line models will be used to inform the study of ROS1-fusion driven cancers at large.

What is a Cell Line Model?
Dr. Doebele’s team will process your tumor sample and place in special growth media in temperature-controlled incubators until cancer cells are growing rapidly. The resultant cell line models will be used in the future for research to understand how cancer begins and spreads in these tumors, how these tumors respond to treatment and what happens when tumors stop responding to treatment.

Cell lines can be created from many types of tumor specimens including:

a fresh tumor specimen (piece of your tumor)

pleural (lung) fluid

pericardial (heart) fluid

ascites (abdominal) fluid

The process begins with you, so it is best to plan in advance of your biopsy or surgical procedure.

What Should You Expect in This Study
The research study has certain requirements that must be met. If you do not meet the requirements, you will not be able to participate in this research study.

The process begins when you have a surgery or biopsy of your ROS1-fusion cancer scheduled. You will speak with a member of our study team to learn about the study activities. After you speak with our team, you will be referred to Dr. Doebele’s team for next steps and will be provided with an informed consent form to review. The consent form explains this research study in detail.

If you are eligible for the study, you will work with Dr. Doebele’s team to coordinate the collection and shipment of your specimen to their facility. It is very important that you work in collaboration with Dr. Doebele’s team.

You will call your physician/surgeon and let them know that you want to donate a portion of your tumor to this research study.

You will be in contact with Dr. Doebele’s team as they attempt to coordinate with your physician/surgeon on the collection and shipment procedures.

How To Participate
Individuals with a ROS1-fusion positive cancer living in the US (excluding Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico), can participate in this study, if eligible.

  1. The first step is to complete the Contact Form. A member of our study team will contact you to schedule a time to review the eligibility requirements and study activities. If your biopsy or surgical procedure is scheduled within the next 3 days, complete the Contact Form and call our study team at 866-988-ROS1 (7671).
  2. The study team will schedule a time to speak with you and, if you meet the pre-screening requirements, you will be referred to Dr. Doebele’s team for next steps and access to the informed consent form.
Contact Form
ROS1 Cell Line Study