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1100 Industrial Road, Suite 1, San Carlos, CA. 94070

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Who We Are

Our Founders

Bonnie and Tony Addario

Champions of Lung Cancer Research and Advocacy

Before her diagnosis and founding two of the leading lung cancer patient support, advocacy, and research organizations, Bonnie Addario had already accomplished great things. She broke the glass ceiling in the energy industry and became the first president of a privately-held oil company. 

"Up to this point, my life was amazing," she says. "I didn't always have it easy but everything was coming together, but then..."

In 2004, Bonnie, at 56, received shocking news. She was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer, with only a 16% survival rate.

"When I first heard, 'You have lung cancer,' of course, I was scared and didn't know what to do next," she told PBS' AllHealthGo. "But it wasn't until I was in that Barcalounger and I was getting chemotherapy that it really dawned on me."

She decided in that chair that she would do everything in her power to overcome this illness. She said to herself, "I'm not finished yet," she recalls. "I can't, not make it." And she beat the odds.

Her journey through radiation, chemotherapy, and a 14-hour surgery was arduous, but she never lost hope. And she also realized what a rare commodity hope can be for patients fighting a similar battle.

It also ignited a passion within her to advocate for others facing similar battles. And with that, the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation was born.

Founding the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation

In 2006, with the support of her family, Bonnie founded the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (ALCF). The foundation's mission was clear: to eradicate lung cancer through research, early detection, education, and treatment.

Bonnie J Addario Foundation logo

Bonnie's personal experience as a lung cancer survivor gave her a unique perspective and a powerful voice in the fight against the disease.

She has brought hope to millions and raised an incredible $70 million in donations for patient advocacy and research. But, as the organization grew, so too did Bonnie's commitment to addressing the inadaquecies of lung cancer science.

"I was inspired to start my own foundation primarily because the survival rate for lung cancer has remained at a fairly dismal rate for 40 years. So, we started one foundation, but I realized fairly quickly that one wasn't going to be enough."


In 2008, Bonnie and her husband, Tony Addario, co-founded the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI). ALCMI is a patient-centric, international research consortium dedicated to transforming lung cancer into a chronically managed disease. The institute's collaborative approach brings together leading scientists, clinicians, academics, and patients to accelerate research and improve patient outcomes.

"Now, we're off doing our own research and creating our own clinical trials with the goal of really changing that survival rate," Bonnie says. "There is no doubt in my mind that we're going to be successful at that."

A Partnership in Advocacy

Tony Addario has been a steadfast partner in Bonnie's advocacy efforts. As the former Chairman and CEO, and current Emeritus Board Member of ALCMI, Tony has played a crucial role in the institute's success. His dedication to the cause is evident in his tireless work to support lung cancer research and patient care.

Together, Bonnie and Tony have built a powerful team of advocates, researchers, and healthcare professionals committed to making a difference.

GO2 for Lung Cancer

In 2019, the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation merged with the Lung Cancer Alliance to form the GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer, later renamed GO2 for Lung Cancer. This merger created the largest lung cancer patient advocacy organization in the United States.

GO2 for Lung Cancer logo

GO2 for Lung Cancer continues to build on the Addarios' legacy, providing support, education, and resources to lung cancer patients and their families.

Bringing Life to The Living Room

One of Bonnie's proudest accomplishments is the creation of the monthly Living Room events that bring together patients, caregivers, advocates, survivors, and lung cancer experts. Featured topics can range from educational to support topics related to living with the disease.

These vibrant events are hosted in person and live-streamed so people worldwide can participate in this caring and supportive community. Above all else, these events celebrate life, something Bonnie found to be absent from other support groups and her inspiration to great a group that celebrates life.

"[Years ago], I was asked by a major hospital to come down and speak at their support group," Bonnie recalls. "I walked in this room. It was a grey room. It had a long grey table, grey folding chairs, grey walls, and no windows. It was the most depressing thing I had seen in a really, really long time. All I saw in that room is a room full of people who were dying and hopeless."

"I came back to work and said we are going to start yet another project. This one is going to be a support group, but ours is going to be about living. That's why we named it the 'The Living Room.'

Bonnie's biggest aspiration is for attendees to experience a supportive and empowering environment that provides them with what patients need the most: Hope. And her dedication to this cause is unmatched.

"What we're going to give them is everything we've got," she says.

The Living Room has become a lifeline for many, offering hope and a sense of belonging.

Group photo of people at The Living Room event

A Legacy of Hope

Bonnie and Tony Addario's journey is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the human spirit. Their commitment to lung cancer advocacy and charitable work has made a profound difference in the lives of many. As they continue to champion the cause, their story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who face the challenges of lung cancer.

Our Impact

  • Total Clinical Trials
    Total Clinical Trials


  • Trial Participants
    Trial Participants


  • Publication Citations and Downloads
    Publication Citations and Downloads


  • Partners and Sponsors
    Partners and Sponsors


Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI)
1100 Industrial Road, Suite 1, San Carlos, CA. 94070