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1100 Industrial Road, Suite 1, San Carlos, CA. 94070

Now, we are currently enrolling patients in our INHERIT trial. Learn more.

Current Studies




ALCMI is collaborating with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Dana-Farber), and GO2 for Lung Cancer (GO2) to expand on earlier clinical research that identified one specific inherited genetic mutation in the EGFR gene. This finding proved families that carried this mutation have a higher risk for developing lung cancer.

The problem: discovering the origin of lung cancer in families

Genetic risk in other cancers such as breast, ovarian, and colon, have been well studied, but much less is known about lung cancer. We want to change that with INHERIT. This exciting work is part of GO2’s broader multi-year research program called our “Origins Initiative,” which seeks to discover the true origins of lung cancer that will transform survivorship among families and populations.

Partner Roles

Each INHERIT partner plays an essential and interconnected role in supporting this research.

  • GO2 provides input on the trial design from the patient’s experience, elevates awareness of the trial among the lung cancer community, and helps navigate people and their families to the enrollment process.
  • Dana-Farber serves as the primary conductor of the clinical protocol, performs all data analysis, and stores biomedical samples at its institutional biorepository.
  • ALCMI provides Dana-Farber technical and management services, supports the clinical trial protocol, and serves as a biobank for future research on any remnant specimens that are available post-study from Dana-Farber.
GO2 for Lung Cancer Research and ALCMI - Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute logos.

This study is a collaboration between GO2 for Lung Cancer, the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI), and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI).

Our Impact

  • Total Clinical Trials
    Total Clinical Trials


  • Trial Participants
    Trial Participants


  • Publication Citations and Downloads
    Publication Citations and Downloads


  • Partners and Sponsors
    Partners and Sponsors


Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI)
1100 Industrial Road, Suite 1, San Carlos, CA. 94070